Monday, February 28, 2005
ga penting banget si
malem gini aq masi aja nongkrong di depan kompi di kantor... capek si. gara2 bela2in somthin yang ga penting banged.. sebel ga si!!! dari kemaren uda bayangin gimana hepinya masuk kul lagi.. tapi aduhhhhh gara2 somthin tadi jadi ancur semua planing ... :((
kadang orang laen emang seenaknya aja ngomong ato komentar ttg sesuatu yang sebenernya ga penting buat dibahas. apalagi kalo dia ga ada hak buat komen.. yahh ngapain aja buang2 energi mas?? yapi yang paling nyebelin itu kalo ada orang suka ember + bocor, tapi ga ngeliad isi perutnya sendiri dulu..intropeksi napa!!! jijik banged kann
emang si, segala sesuatunya pasti diukur dari penting ato nggaknya .. sampe ahirnya keluar juga tuh kata2 "penting ga si!!!!"
Labels: freewriting
posted by nina
||7:44 PM ||
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Engkaulah gulita yang memupuskan segala batasan dan alasan
Engkaulah penunjuk jalan menuju palung kekosongan dalam samudera terkelam
Engkaulah sayap tanpa tepi yang membentang menuju tempat tak bernama tapi terasa ada
Ajarkan aku, Melebur dalam gelap tanpa harus lenyap Merengkuh rasa takut tanpa perlu surut
Bangun dari ilusi namun tak memilih pergi Tunggu aku, yang hanya selangkah dari bibir jurangmuLabels: freewriting
posted by nina
||12:21 PM ||
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Feelin BeautifuL
Everyone wants to be beautiful, but what is it about a person that really makes her beautiful? The truth is that it's not any one thing. Beauty is a combination of many qualities that give pleasure to the senses or mind. Your personality, sense of humor, and compassion for others are a large part of what makes you beautiful. The secret to being beautiful is feeling beautiful. It is more about inner qualities than physical appearance. You may not love all of your qualities, but if you see yourself as a strong person with many goals and talents, you will begin to feel more comfortable with yourself. Feel good about yourself and let your positive attitude shine. Sometimes it can be a challenge to remember that beauty is about what's on the inside. Don't measure yourself against the media's unrealistic ideals and don't compare yourself to other girls either. You are a unique person. You'll never be someone else and no one else will ever be you. That's what makes our world so great. We live on a diverse planet and have many different gifts to share. Instead of trying to be like someone else, just try being you. Celebrate your differences. What is it that makes you special? Is it your great laugh? Your listening ear? Your sense of humor? Your athletic ability? Your concern for others? As you discover your own strengths you will begin to feel more comfortable with yourself. You will see that you are a beautiful person with the power to make your goals a reality.Labels: freewriting
posted by nina
||8:17 AM ||
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
em beautiful ones
SUEDE - Beautiful Ones
High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machine shaking their bits to the hits, Drag acts, drug acts, suicides, in your dad's suits you hide staining his name again, Cracked up, stacked up, 22, psycho for sex and glue lost it to Bostik, yeah, Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill, got too much time to kill get into bands and gangs, Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones loved up, doved up, hung around, stoned in a lonely townshaking their meat to the beat, High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machine shaking their bits to the hits, Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones. You don't think about it, You don't do without it, because you're beautiful, And if your baby's going crazy that's how you made me, la, la, la, la...
it's true kan?? that em beautiful ones!!! :DLabels: music
posted by nina
||2:12 PM ||
sepagi gini langit jakarta udah mendung.. apalagi kemaren sempet hujan sesorean... berangkat nguli bertiga naek metromoni yang puenuhhh bangeeddd,.. udah biasa si.. cuman kadang sempat jijay aja klo pas lagi ujan kek gini.. coz pasti yang namanya bis udah ga rupa bis.. yang ada kek... hehehehhe :)) today.. sepi" aja niy.. jadi kan ada waktu buat ngedit yang dulu.. tar sore pulang bareng sapa ya? mau ga yang disana jemput?? Labels: freewriting
posted by nina
||9:33 AM ||